
Once a week ...

Once you have signed up, you will receive one video a week that will be 10 minutes or less. Each video will contain one lesson for you to implement that week. Think of this a your personal coaching session for 10 minutes. Each week you will be set up with a skill to practice that will make a big difference. And all it takes is 10 MINUTES! Why 10 minutes or less? Because I VALUE your time. You are a busy mom, wife, husband, and human! With so many things to do, I want to honor your time by making this easy and accessible for you.

The nuggets ...

Each week you will receive one video lesson that will make an impact in your life. Whether you are a parent or working on building your relationship, this lesson will help you to make the difference in building a happier life. These lessons are tried and tested, they have been researched and been implemented so you can be rest assured. The lessons will be taken from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (a.k.a life skills), Interpersonal Neurobiology (brain science you can use to make your life better) and Relationship Skills (from various experts in relationship building).


Personalized ...

I want you to succeed in this journey and for some that means having personalized feedback on what you are experiencing day to day. You will have the choice of a conference call or direct one-to-one coaching to make sure your questions are answered. If you have a specific question, send it my way and I will answer it. If you have a scenario you want me to give you the tools for, no problem. Let me know and I will be answering your burning questions.

The value

If you can transform your life so that you are a happier parent, a happier lover, a happier self -- what's the value of this to you? I bet it's immeasurable! That's right, the value this will add to your life will be immense. We all need support and the right to greater satisfaction in our relationship. With less than the cost of your daily cup of latte, you can get personal coach to getting more out of life!


Next Steps...

Click on the link to the right to sign up or if you have more questions, just send me an email or give me a call.